

We believe that incorporating ESG factors into investment decisions, generates more sustainable, long-term returns.


Investing with impact



Explore believes in making an impact. We believe in responsible investments.

As a PRI signatory, we follow the Principles for Responsible Investments guidelines. Explore believes that incorporating environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors into investment decisions generates higher and more sustainable long-term returns. As such, ESG considerations are central to our approach throughout the investment process.

The Explore team are fully committed to create value and contribute positively to society and the environment. The companies we invest in share our vision and our believes.

Read our Sustainability and Ownership Policy here.


Screening Phase


We seek to identify investments that have attractive ESG footprints and the potential to capitalise on such footprints, whilst excluding investments which are not aligned with key ESG criteria.

Due Diligence


Identified ESG opportunities and risks are used as an integral part of the background for our investment evaluation and decision.

Investment Holding Period


We seek to further strengthen ESG footprints and capitalise on such footprints in order to create value for our portfolio companies.


Sustainability-related disclosures



In accordance with Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the SFDR, please find below relevant disclosures:

Integration of sustainability risk

Principal adverse impacts

Remuneration policy

Please also find the Website Disclosure for Explore Equity II SCSp here.